Make all Railscast Projects

I came across a post about someone asking what was the best way to learn Ruby on Rails via Quora. One answer suggested one of the best ways was to follow along with every Railscast project then upload the repo to both GitHub and Heroku. I liked the concept, so I have bought a membership of Railscast and have downloaded all the episodes.

While the goal is to create every project, I will watch every episode and decide if it would be useful to make the project or not. Some episodes are just small tips, so creating a new project just to use that one tip seems inefficient.

I might be repeating what episodes showed, but I found that writing about what I learnt from the episode solidifies what I have learnt. Similar to language learning, you need a balance of input and output to get good at any skill. The input here are the Railscast episodes and the things I look up to finish the apps, and the output are the working app and the blog post.

The first few days of trying this method, I created an app then wrote up the blog post. This takes a lot of context switching between tasks. I am currently trying to go through as many Railscasts in one day, then writing about each the following day.