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Amazon Dash Button and Raspberry Pi Scripting

At home, I have several Amazon Dash Buttons throughout the house with a Raspberry Pi listening for clicks. I mainly use these buttons to track whether I have completed a specific task near the Amazon dash button. For example, I have have a button in my bathroom I click when I have flossed my teeth at night. Clicking this button would then mark the corresponding daily task completed.

Below is the script I use to mark a task done (some details omitted).

from scapy.all import *
import requests
# it takes a minute for the scapy sniffing to initialize, so I print this to know when it's actually ready to go
 print('Init done.')

USER_ID = ""

mac_address_to_task_data = {
 "40:b1:cd:24:e2:1d": ("task_id", "task_name"),
 "18:74:fd:eb:82:17": ("task_id", "task_name"),
 "38:f7:3d:ca:32:dd": ("task_id", "task_name")

def execute_task(task):
 url = "" % (task[0], "up")
 headers = {
   "x-api-user": USER_ID,
   "x-api-key": API_TOKEN,
 }, headers=headers)
 print "Executed '%s'" % task[1]

def detect_button(pkt):
 if pkt.haslayer(DHCP):
   if pkt[Ether].src in mac_address_to_task:
     task_data = mac_address_to_task.get(pkt[Ether].src)
     print "Unknown: " + pkt[Ether].src

sniff(prn=detect_button, filter="(udp and (port 67 or 68))", store=0)

For more info, then check out this blog post on hacking the Amazon Dash Button which helped in getting started with this.

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