TL;DR: Copy and Paste this code snippet into AngelList Jobs page to apply to all jobs.
$('a.interested-button').each(function(_, button) {$(button).click()})
AngelList is a useful resource for startups, investors, and individuals looking for startup jobs. For this post, I fall into the latter category. As part of my recent job search, I perused the jobs section of AngelList, and I even expressed that I was interested in a few startups. As I went through this job search process, I asked if there was an easier way to go about this.
My solution was to apply to all the jobs within a given search. The first thing I noticed was that a user must click on an “Yes, I’m interested” button. When I examined the source code closer within Google Chrome’s Inspector, I realized that the “Yes, I’m Interested” buttons had a class of .interested-button
and that each startup item had its own button already rendered to the page.
The actual solution took only one line of jQuery to implement:
$('a.interested-button').each(function(_, button) {$(button).click()})
You scroll to the bottom until you have all the search results loaded onto the page and you see “The End”
Apply script with the console
Now you’ve successfully applied to all the jobs within a given AngelList jobs search by pasting the above snippet into the console.
One Catch There is one catch however. You will not be able to apply to jobs that require a note as part of you showing your interest in the job. For a bulk apply all, this seems like a small problem. Pareto’s Principle applies here.
This being said, I do believe that a more targeted approach to job searching is more effective. A strategy where you find a handful of companies you are interested and you express interest via a warm connection or at the very least a direct email to someone within the organization with hiring authorization. You could use a tool like DirectContact to find these individuals’ email addresses
A Fix In case someone at AngelList is reading this, here is one possible solution to prevent this script from working in the future. Instead of POSTing a user is interested directly from an .interested-button
click, require a user to have opened the startup job description. This way a boolean variable must be toggled before an interest is POSTed.