in Railscasts, Uncategorized

Railscast – 028 In Groups Of

The GitHub Repo
The Heroku App


I’m noticing I am getting faster. I’m attributing this to making essentially the same application numerous times with this study method. What I am learning that was stored in short-term memory, is slowly moving into the long-term memory part of brain. I also thinking about creating a bash script to help with creating a new GitHub repo for each new project.

In Groups Of

Using the in_groups_of method was fairly straight-forward. Create an instance variable of an array of object records, then call in_groups_of on it within the view. The first argument is how many objects are within one group, and the second argument is the object to pass in for padding. Padding meaning if you had 6 records with in_groups_of(5, false), the it would create the array [[1,2,3,4,5],[6,false,false,false,false]]. You can use this newly generated 2d array in a loop like so.

  <%= @tasks.in_groups_of(3, false) do |row_tasks| %>
      <% row_tasks.each do |task| %>
        <td><%= %></td>
      <% end %>
  <% end %>

The first loop is to create an array called row_tasks. You then iterate through that row_tasks array to get at each individual task record.

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